
Case Cleamix: How to Decontaminate Coronavirus Effectively?

On Wednesday 8th April 13:00 Helsinki time (EET)

Hi there!

We warmly welcome you to our new webinar and panel discussion “Case Cleamix – How to Decontaminate Coronavirus Effectively?”

Today, cleaning of contaminated surfaces with conventional disinfectant methods is not always sufficient enough to reduce harmful contaminants such as bacteria and viruses (COVID-19).

Cleamix is a revolutionary decontamination device, built on a new innovation for H2O2 vapoorisation. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) vapor is highly versatile gaseous agent for decontamination of vechiles, rooms and equipment.

Webinar scheduled for Wednesday 8th April 13:00-14:30. Sorry for late notice – this was put together by urgent request from our clients.


  • Re-using surgical masks and other disposable medical gear safely
  • Practical deployment of VCS-100 technology within hospitals, ambulances and public transport
  • Q&A – We answer questions from audience and those sent to us by email. We have panelists who give insights from new users of Cleamix technology