We warmly welcome you to Creating Covid-proof Interior
Air Quality webinar on Wednesday 28th of October starting
at 11 a.m. and lasting till 12:30 (Helsinki, UTC+2), or longer
if necessary, in case discussion with participants continues.
Join us together with Cleamix and Genano, two leading Finnish companies
providing solutions for decontamination and microbial reduction, to discuss
the best practices and combination of methods for creating Covid-proof interior
air quality.
Through specific use cases on offices, restaurants, hospitals and public
transportation we will learn how organisations can refine their Covid strategies
for more secure workplaces and commute in the future.
Webinar panelists:
• Panu Wilska, Cleamix CEO
• Niklas Skogster, Genano CEO
• Dr. Tarmo Humppi, CBRN research lead, Finnish Army Research Centre (ret.)
• Dr. Satu Salo, Senior Researcher, Microbiologist, National Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
• MD. Janne Kuusela, Infection specialist, Mikkeli Central Hospital (ESSOTE)
Sign up for the webinar here: https://www.enchant.fi/filmlike/cleamix-webinar-28-10-2020/register